同样来自第三世界,中国和伊朗貌似有着千丝万缕的关系,我们找到了来自伊朗的CG艺术家Ali Jalali,看看他的职业生涯是否有迹可循。
Please tell us about yourself.
Im Ali Jalali , a freelance 3d character artist living in Iran at the moment .
我是Ali Jalali,目前在伊朗的自由3D角色艺术家。
Can you tell us your work experience and some of the projects you have participated in?
I’m working in cg industry for about 8 years by now . I have worked in varaiety of projects including tv series, commercials , cinematics , movie vfx and 3d print . For last 2 years i have focused on characters and 3dprint sculpting .
Can you talk about the software you mainly use and your workflow?
My main tool is ZBrush . I use Maya or 3dCoat for remeshing my sculpts . As for UV i use a combination of Maya and ZBrush’s Uv Master plugin . For texturing i use ZBrush , Mudbox and recently im adding Substance painter to my workflow which is great . Finally i use Maya’s Arnold for rendering and shader setup .
ZBrush是我主要使用的软件,我还使用Maya和3dCoat来重新拓扑。UV来说,我会结合MAYA和ZB的UV MASTER插件。贴图的话,我用ZB和Mudbox,最近我把棒棒的Substance Painter也加入到我的工作流程中了。最后,我用Maya的Arnold去做材质和渲染。
What are the factors which you are concerned of most during your workflow?
Getting less involved in technical aspects of work is very important for me . The freedom that new generation softwares give to artists is mind blowing . You can freely sculpt and shape your forms , you can paint your textures directly on object , rendering is becoming just like real word photo shooting and lighting . I remember moving vertices one by one for modeling and painting on flat UVs in photoshop used to be so painful . I like the way softwares are changing the process . It is getting more exciting .
Your characters are all very vivid and expressive like they exist in the real world. How do you achieve this result?
Paying attention to the real world helps a lot . Observing should become a habit for an artist . Every day and every where there are so much stuff happening around us . For example when im in a metro i like to study different faces and characters standing around me . The more you observe the more you make your mind library filled . So when you are creating an art , you use that library unconsciously and the result is visible in your final piece .
Your works are always highly detailed, can you tell us how you observe those details and how you balance the details that can be presented successfully using 3d printing?
Most of the 3d print jobs i have done are getting printed in very small size . they are usually 35mm up to 75 mm . So most of the details will become invisible , therefore i have to do the details in a way that shows off in small size but also wont waste my time on modeling something that wont be seen in final product . So it makes me focus more on summarizing the details and find a balance that works the best in final print . Besides making details abit exaggerated helps as well.
In your viewpoint,what kind of exercises will help improve the ability to create realistic characters? What exercises do you usually do?
Watching good artworks , observing nature and of course practicing some traditional arts help . I like doing some drawings and sketches or having some fun with clay . It makes you think different about shapes and forms .
CG industry in China started very late, do you have any suggestions for novices?
Find out what makes you motivated and put your focus on it . Practice alot and dont let anything to make you give up .
As cg industry is involved with technology, its changing alot and fast so you need to keep learning new stuffs and update yourself .
Do you want to say something to your fans?
Thanks for support and your kind words .
And thanks to you for the interview .
WORKCG:最后非常感谢Ali Jalali能给我们分享这些!
想要了解更多Ali Jalali的作品请访问https://www.artstation.com/artist/ali_jalali
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